Pure and PlumX Integration

PlumX Dashboards integrates with Pure, a popular research information management system maintained by Elsevier, allowing us to populate your PlumX Dashboard with:

Organizational Hierarchy Replication

One of the first things we will do is evaluate your Pure organizational list via REST API.

Once we bring in your organizational list you will be able to compare the metrics for each level of the hierarchy against another. e.g., compare the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences to the College of Geosciences. You can compare these subgroups in the Subgroups Overview Report in PlumX Dashboard. The Subgroups Overview provides a view into each subgroup for your organization across our five metrics categories, creating a powerful benchmarking opportunity.

The subgroups report is based upon where in your hierarchy you are currently located and is best used for comparing “like to like.”

For example, consider the following top-level subgroups:


Each of these subgroups has their own subgroups below them, so a common use case would be to explore the results for each, such as for “Schools and Programs.”


After navigating to that level, the next step would be to click on the Analytics icon and then click on Subgroups Overview to see the results. For the Usage category in this example, the Veterinary Integrative Biosciences group has the most usage compared to the other schools in that college:

Researcher Profile Harvesting

When it comes to harvesting your researcher profiles, we will pull in any profiles and associated artifacts from the Pure API. We will also bring in any artifacts associated only with groups (and not profiles).

The following identifiers are key for the look-up of metrics:

Usage Statistics

If there are .pdfs available for download from your Pure repository, we can include the Pure download stats as a metric in PlumX. We make a separate API call for this information. These statistics can be excluded if you would prefer.



We work with each of our customers to understand their current systems implementations and to determine the best ways to integrate with PlumX.