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Worldwide Webinar Series about Clinical Citations and TellingPlum Analytics PlumX Clinical Citations the Story of Clinical Impact

In May we announced Clinical Citations, our newest type of altmetrics, to understand the impact and tell the stories of clinical research.

Clinical research does not get cited as much as basic science. Why is this a problem?

Plum Analytics pioneered a new type of citation, a Clinical Citation, to understand the impact and tell the stories of clinical research.

In order to share this exciting development with everyone we held several webinars. Below is the replay information:

United States




Clinical Citations: Telling the Story of Clinical Impact

Whether you support doctors doing clinical research, a team of scientists working in translation medicine, or researchers contributing to standard practice guidelines, it is critical to understand the impact of their research. Clinical and translational research is often overlooked in the long tradition of scholarly citation indexes. With new technologies, things like clinical topics and alerting services can be mined for citations. Now the impact and reach of this type of research can be understood.

This webinar talked about what Clinical Citations are and why they are important. Whether you are:

You can also see the slides here.


Altmetrics for Library Publishers

A webinar featuring:

Talking about using altmetrics for library publishers (April 26, 2016)


Plum Analytics and our Approach to Altmetrics

A webinar featuring Andrea Michalek, Co-Founder and President of Plum Analytics talking about altmetrics and and PlumX. (September 3, 2014)


Supporting Open Access with Metrics

A webinar in support of Open Access Week 2015. In this, Andrea Michalek talks about supporting open access initiatives with metrics. Specifically, Andrea talked about how to cast a wide net to find open access research output and understand the reach and impact. (October 21, 2015)


Practical Uses of Altmetrics: A Library Journal Webinar

A webinar co-hosted by Library Journal and Plum Analytics featuring Tim Deliyannides of Pitt and Robin Champieux of OHSU talking about how they use altmetrics at their institutions. (February 11, 2015)


New Ways to Look at ROI of Grant-Funded Research

Ed Clayton of Autism Speaks and Andrea Michalek of Plum Analytics talk about using modern metrics to reveal the stories and see the impact of grant-funded research.


The Feedback Loop Between Open Access & Altmetrics

A webinar in honor of Open Access Week 2014, a webinar talking about the role altmetrics can play in Open Access Publishing.