Open Access Week Kick-Off Webinar

Today is day 2 of Open Access Week. We support open access, so we are doing a lot to participate in Open Access Week. You can read about our activities here. Yesterday we kicked off the week with a Webinar titled “Measuring Impact: Combining Traditional and Non-Traditional Metrics.” We had so many people sign up that we needed to upgrade our webinar room. Unfortunately, that last minute changed created problems for a lot of you. We apologize for any trouble that created. We want to make sure you get to see PlumX and you get your questions answered about altmetrics. Here are some ways.

  • Ask a question. If you have any question please email us here.
  • Attend another webinar. We’ve scheduled one more “Measuring Impact: Combining Traditional and Non-Traditional Metrics” webinars – Weds. Oct 30 at 4:00 pm PDT. Register here.
  • Schedule a one-on-one webinar. If neither of those times work for you, or if you have individual questions or concerns, please schedule a time for a one-on-one webinar. Schedule here.
  • View PlumX. If you want to take a look at PlumX, you can go here.

During the webinar Mike described the changing world of metrics, the need to process big data to deliver metrics, the different types of metric categories and metrics themselves (see more about metric categories here), how PlumX supports widgets, and more. Then, he demonstrated PlumX, where he showed how to view Article Level Metrics, as well as metrics about books, researchers, and departments. He showed examples from the University of Pittsburgh ( and the Smithsonian (, as well as other researchers.

Here is one of the slides Mike showed.


This slide shows that PlumX not only calculates metrics at the article level, but also the author and group level. It also pictures the widgets that are available from PlumX that you can imbed in other pages and systems. You can read more about our PlumX widgets here.