SciELO Livros usage now in PlumX!

In 2017, we began our partnership with SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online:  SciELO was founded in Brazil in 1997 and is a publicly-funded initiative aiming to support cooperative, free electronic publishing and dissemination of scientific journals from developing countries. The project also supports the development of regional databases and the implementation of indicators of scientific literature usage.

In addition to the SciELO journal portal, there is a SciELO Livros (books) portal which hosts over 1600 academic books with the objective of maximizing the visibility, accessibility, use and impact of the research results, essays and studies that are published in them.   We are pleased to announce that we are now incorporate full-text views from SciELO Livros alongside other PlumX book usage metrics.

For many researchers  in the arts and humanities in particular, books are their primary research output.  Book metrics such as OCLC Worldcat holdings, Amazon and GoodReads book reviews, Wikipedia references and now SciELO usage help these researchers further demonstrate the impact of their work.

You can find SciELO Livros metrics under “full-text views” in our usage category, as seen in this example:

SciELO Livros is celebrating it’s 10 year anniversary and we are thrilled that we are able to continue our partnership with them and expand our book and regional metric sources.  We wish them continued growth and success for the future!